Friday, December 26, 2008
Bug software logitech quickcam
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Ibuk berangkat dulu
Pada jam 11.30 hari selasa 16 desember 2008, ibu saya berangkat, menyusul Nabi Muhammad dan para nabi pendahulu. Berhubung tiketnya hanya "one way" dan di assign hanya untuk satu orang, dan tidak bisa dipindah tangankan, maka saya beserta sodara-sodara saya gak bisa menemani, ngancani atau mengantar sampai tujuan. Yang bisa dilakukan hanya mempersiapkan keberangkatan ibuk saya dengan sebaik-baiknya.
Sekian sekilas info
Monday, December 08, 2008 untuk cek tun interface speedy
- # more /etc/
- a=0
- b=4
- n=2
- until [[ $a -eq $b ]];do
- # a=`ifconfig tun | cut -f 1 -d ":" | grep -i tun | wc -l`
- a=`ifconfig tun | grep -i 125 | wc -l`
- echo "Jumlah tun interface:" $a
- if [[ $a -eq $b ]];then
- echo "Jumlah tun tepat!"
- echo "Starting pf rule for loadbalancing..."
- /sbin/pfctl -f /etc/pf-loadbal1.conf
- /usr/bin/logger -t pf-LOADBALANCE "Speedy up!"
- else
- echo "Jumlah interface tun seharusnya:$b"
- echo "Koneksi speedy belum up semua, menunggu $n detik"
- sleep $n
- /usr/bin/logger -t pf-LOADBALANCE "Speedy down!"
- fi
- done
- #
skrip deteksi duplikasi mac
- ==================potongdisini=====================================
- # cat /sbin/
- #!/bin/sh
- #x=`telnetmikrotik.exp`
- /sbin/sshwrap.exp 22000 diag diag "ip arp print without-paging terse file=maclist"
- wget -O /tmp/maclist.txt ftp://diag:diag@
- a=`cat /tmp/maclist.txt | cut -f 3 -d "=" | egrep "([0-9A-F]{2}:){5}[0-9A-F]{2}" | cut -f 1 -d " " | sort`
- i=`cat /tmp/maclist.txt | cut -f 3 -d "=" | egrep "([0-9A-F]{2}:){5}[0-9A-F]{2}" | cut -f 1 -d " " | sort | wc -l`
- b=`cat /tmp/maclist.txt | cut -f 3 -d "=" | egrep "([0-9A-F]{2}:){5}[0-9A-F]{2}" | cut -f 1 -d " " | sort | uniq -d`
- j=`cat /tmp/maclist.txt | cut -f 3 -d "=" | egrep "([0-9A-F]{2}:){5}[0-9A-F]{2}" | cut -f 1 -d " " | sort | uniq -d | wc -l`
- rm -rf /tmp/maclist.txt
- x=0
- y=0
- z=0
- alarm=4
- while [ $z -lt $i ]; do
- let "z=$z+1"
- maclist[z]=`echo $a |cut -f $z -d " "`
- # echo "$z- ${maclist[z]}"
- done
- z=0
- while [ $z -lt $j ]; do
- let "z=$z+1"
- macduplist[$z]=`echo $b |cut -f $z -d " "`
- # echo "$z- ${macduplist[$z]}"
- done
- z=0
- y=0
- while [ $y -lt $i ]; do
- let "y=$y+1"
- while [ $z -lt $j ]; do
- let "z=$z+1"
- f=${maclist[$y]}
- g=${macduplist[$z]}
- if [ $f == $g ]; then
- # if [ {$maclist[$y]} == {$macduplist[$z]} ]; then
- let "dupcount[$z]=${dupcount[$z]}+1"
- # echo "$y dup $f $g"
- else
- # echo "$y ${maclist[$y]} ${macduplist[$z]}"
- echo
- fi
- done
- z=0
- done
- z=0
- y=0
- while [ $z -lt $j ]; do
- let "z=$z+1"
- if [ ${dupcount[z]} -ge $alarm ]; then
- # echo "awas! ${macduplist[z]}"
- /sbin/sshwrap.exp 22000 diag diag "system script run sirine"
- /sbin/sshwrap.exp 22000 diag diag ":log info ${dupcount[z]}-mac-address-${macduplist[z]}-more-than-$alarm-entries"
- fi
- # echo "${macduplist[z]}-${dupcount[z]}"
- done
- #
- ==================potongdisini=====================================
- # cat /sbin/sshwrap.exp
- #!/usr/local/bin/expect -f
- #spawn "ssh $argv 1 -p $argv 2 -l $argv 3 $argv 5"
- #expect assword:
- #send $argv 4\r
- set addr [lindex $argv 0]
- set port [lindex $argv 1]
- set user [lindex $argv 2]
- set password [lindex $argv 3]
- set command [lindex $argv 4]
- spawn ssh $addr -p $port -l $user
- expect assword:
- send $password\r
- expect >
- send $command\r
- expect >
- send quit\r
- #
- ==================potongdisini=====================================
- [yusuf81@linkmedia] > system script print terse from=16
- 0 name=sirine source=:for t from=1000 to=2000 step=20 do={:beep frequency=$t length=10ms; :delay 10ms}\r\n:for t from=2000
- to=1000 step=-20 do={:beep frequency=$t length=10ms; :delay 10ms}
- owner=yusuf81 policy=ftp,read,winbox last-started=dec/08/2008 20:25:16 run-count=48
- [yusuf81@linkmedia] >
Sunday, December 07, 2008
catatan dari
The warning against sharing a data directory among servers also applies in an NFS environment. Allowing multiple MySQL servers to access a common data directory over NFS is a very bad idea.
The primary problem is that NFS is the speed bottleneck. It is not meant for such use.
Another risk with NFS is that you must devise a way to ensure that two or more servers do not interfere with each other. Usually NFS file locking is handled by the
daemon, but at the moment there is no platform that performs locking 100% reliably in every situation.
Make it easy for yourself: Forget about sharing a data directory among servers over NFS. A better solution is to have one computer that contains several CPUs and use an operating system that handles threads efficiently.
bug firefox 3.0.4
Friday, December 05, 2008
virus win32.sality
Namun jika file setup tersebut kita rename menjadi "a.exe", maka proses instalasi akan berjalan dengan mulusnya. Hahahaha, aneh tho, sifat ini bisa kita jadikan penanda apakah system telah tertular win32.sality.
Setelah lihat referensi, ternyata yang di stop itu proses yang mengandung nama "anti". Keterangan lebih lanjut silahkan lihat link referensi berikut ini:
Thursday, December 04, 2008
tingkah laku expect
-bash-3.2$ more test01.exp
spawn telnet $argv
expect ogin:
send yusuf81\r
expect assword:
send lihatlog\r
expect >
send "ip arp print\r"
expect ]
send q\r
expect >
send quit\r